True Grit

Broken body – I’ve been there.
Broken mind – I’ve been there.
Broken esteem – I’ve been there. 
Broken faith – I’ve been there
Broken relationships – I’ve been there. 
Broken career – I’ve been there. 

Too embarrassed to reach out to close friends because I had been struggling – I’VE BEEN THERE!

As I rode my mountain bike today being able to lean on my handlebars with minimal pain in my chest for the first time in 10 months, I couldn’t help but to think of all the obstacles I’ve overcome and the personal growth that I have experienced. At the very least, I’ve most definitely become more sympathetic and empathetic. 

I’ve had the full use of my legs ripped from me due to my military service and will never have a pain free day the rest of my life. I’ve come to grips with it and have learned what works and doesn’t work to aggravate the condition. And because I do not want to take away from the men and women with “boots on the ground” injuries, mine was actually created through over exertion. Painful non-the-less. 

After five plus years of service and a college degree under my belt, I thought I had received my dream job and had finally “made it.” Through unforeseen circumstances, that dream burst quicker than a balloon with me using it for a chair. 

I was down and out and in a bad way. During my college career, I had been told by someone for whom I cared that I was literally not good enough. Those were the exact words, “you’re great, but not good enough.”  Getting that job meant everything to me. My professional reputation and ego were completely wrapped in the title of which I so desired. 

Fast forward to today. I’m on career change number three and scared. I put so much into ‘making it’ that every day not ‘making it’ is a day farther away from ‘making it.’

But, I’m also my best self in so many ways!! 

My faith is secure. I’m supported by a wonderful family, an amazing girlfriend (Miriah, I love you babe), an always loving church family, my girlfriend’s family, great friends, and my newly found mentors in the fitness community. 

Those mentors have taught me to put my body first. To feed it the nutrients it needs and to move it, exercise it, and let it heal. 

This is step one of a long journey. I hope to gather people for this journey as well and provide the support of which I am so thankful!! 


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