To Think a Thought

To think a thought
A psychological approach
To ponder and wonder,
One can assume wisdom should encroach.

But if that thought that was thinked,
Led to a dead-end path
Should one rethink that thought?
Or leave it to the trash?

To truly desire wisdom,
One must truly impart –
A thinking thought process
Combined with experience from the start.

For one to ponder in wonder,
Can lead to a new infusing,
But if that person’s wonder starts to wander,
Then that wonder’s wander may just  be confusing

For this is a tale of two thoughts,
not the cities this time around
for a ponder’s wondering,
has left wandering to the ground

No this a tale of thinking,
the cities were not forget
for this tale of wandering, wonderings

Was merely to twist a tongue in knot.


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